Iqbal's Youth: Muslim and Mard e Momin

Wednesday, 28 March 20120 comments

Allama lqbal was a man of all pervasive ability and potentials. He covered such a wide field of intellectual sphere that it has been impossible to describe him. His most important attribute was that he used all his abilities, art, literature and thinking in the service of mankind and did not like ‘art for art’s sake’.The source of his knowledge was equally vast but, by far and large, it was based on the Holy Qur’an and Islamic values.
Iqbal has explained, at great length, that the apex of Muslim Nojwans was not merging with Allah but submitting oneself to His Will and service in the wider sense.The Muslim Nojwans are the potent hand as well as the Word of the Eternal Allah.

Here are some Verses of Iqbal supporting this Idea:
"You are the potent hand and the word of the Eternal God
0 Imprudent one! Develop Faith, as you have been overcome with doubts
The house is ephemeral, the dweller is momentary, Yours is the Beginning and the End
You are the Final Message of God, you are Eternal
Your nature is the custodian of all the life’s possibilities
So to say you are you are the touchstone for world’s jewels."

In Iqbal's point of view that momin must have FiQR. He says

Here Iqbal is giving some advices to Muslim Jawans:

Keep the Qur’an as a mirror before you.
You have completely changed, run away from yourself.
Fix a balance for your deeds [so that you may be able to],
Stir a commotion which your forbears stirred in the past.”

But the doubt–ridden Muslim nation has not yet made firm determination of engaging with its own enemies and the rebels against God in every field. Now, either Muslims should prove themselves to be the custodians of the Holy Qur’an or the Holy Qur’an may be taken away from them and be conferred upon some other nation, which may be really willing and prepared to propagate really the Will of God. God has issued the clear warning in the Holy Qur’an that if they turn their back and revolt, God would plant some other nation in their place, and that nation would not be like them, which means not useless like you. Hazrat Allamah has also warned against this danger with great anguish:
"I am very much afraid of the day when God would deprive Muslims
And may start bestowing the warmth of His Love on some other society"

دوستوں کے ساتھ شئیر کریں :

آپ بھی اپنا تبصرہ تحریر کریں

اہم اطلاع :- غیر متعلق,غیر اخلاقی اور ذاتیات پر مبنی تبصرہ سے پرہیز کیجئے, مصنف ایسا تبصرہ حذف کرنے کا حق رکھتا ہے نیز مصنف کا مبصر کی رائے سے متفق ہونا ضروری نہیں۔

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